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Mastering the Spiritual Warrior's Journey: A Practical Beginner's Guide
Welcome to the journey, Spiritual Warrior!
Welcome and Introduction (11:07)
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How to Benefit From This Course (5:00)
Learning Objectives
Required Supplies
Reference Desk
Course Resources
Tasha's Musings
Prepare to Embark
Journaling 101 (6:42)
Creating Your Journey Journal
Writing Your Biography
Goal Setting
Creating Actionable Steps (Objectives)
Necessary Supplies: Positive Affirmations
Necessary Supplies: Overcoming Obstacles
Embarking on Your Journey
Developing a Stringent Self-Care Routine
Taking Your Inventory (2:42)
Clearing Space for Peace (10:16)
Ready, Player 1 (5:16)
Let's Review!
Reflecting on Self-Trust & Value (5:17)
Arrival to Port 1
Final Self-Assessment (3:36)
Begin Pulling it All Together
Developing Creativity
Publish Your Book or Vlog (17:50)
Personal Tips
Tasha's Arrival Gift to You; Thank You
Course Conclusion
Course Feedback (3:18)
What's next? Journey Part 2: Traversing Healing Arts
Ebook Templates
Iconography and Images
Powerpoint Templates
Tasha's Arrival Gift to You; Thank You
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